Let your imagination soar towards Maspalomas
Your imagination mirrors these seagulls, always ready to soar off on the slightest breeze.
Their flight expresses their lust for life against the backdrop of the sky and in this case also highlighting the silhouette of the Maspalomas Lighthouse, in the south of Gran Canaria. This picture portrays a fleeting instant in more than a century of lights, stretching back to that distant day in 1890 when the light projected its first beam.

The Maspalomas Lighthouse is like a glass time machine, strafing the sky from sixty metres up, pulsing as regularly as a beating heart and guiding sailors for over 120 years. What’s more, it stands tall, like a giant mast, marking the location of one of the most dreamed of and photographed places in Europe, particularly in the winter. Standing next to the Lighthouse means that your imagination has finally reached its destination.

From its watchtower, the Maspalomas Lighthouse observes the slow, stealthy movement of the dunes, the twinkle of the pond and the swaying leaves on the oasis palm trees. However, before the first stones were laid for the Lighthouse, even before anyone considered its construction, it illuminated a different time. Sailors came ashore in olden times to stock up with firewood and drinking water so they could continue their search for new lands and adventures, places painted in the imagination of folk who dared to let their dreams soar like seagulls at sundown.
The lights literally guided the flow of life. Baby seagulls insistently hammer the characteristic red dot on their parents’ beak to demand the food that they have scavenged on their flights over the oceans, begun as the day broke and occasionally taking them just as far as the light from Maspalomas Lighthouse that travels almost twenty miles over the water.

Gradually, at the same pace as the movement of the dunes, echoing the waxing and waning population of the beach at the beginning and end of each day, the dark plumage of the young seagulls will make way for their definite white and silver colours. This will help them blend into this landscape where they will spend the rest of their days, merging with the sand, the horizon, the waves and the long-awaited calm.
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