The five enigmas of Roque Nublo
The Roque Nublo, one of Gran Canarias’most stunning natural symbols, sits upon the summit waiting for you to unveil its mysteries.
1. What are the stones made of? This first mystery echoes around from stone to stone and from rock to rock. What are the stones from the summit of Gran Canaria made of? Moreover, what is the Roque Nublo, the great emblem of the island, made of? The answer can be found in fire and in time. This spectacular monolith, measuring some eighty metres high, and at over eight hundred metres altitude, is the stony witness to the volcanic explosion that occurred several million years ago. The most patient rock sculptor that exists, namely time, has since shaped the ashes and the rest of the pyroclastic rocks into the figure of the Roque Nublo that stands before us today.

2. Where are the clouds? Ascending up to Roque Nublo will test out our senses and our everyday perception of reality. This is what happens when we shed the stresses of our daily lives and delve headlong into nature. Everything is possible here. For example, we suddenly learn that any clouds there are, and even birds, are no longer above us but below our feet. It is another of the magical tricks up the Roque Nublo’s sleeve that will undoubtedly astonish us.

3. Am I still actually on planet Earth? You reach a moment in which the excursion up to the Roque Nublo gives us this weird feeling we are abandoning planet Earth and entering a whole new far off world, reminiscent of the moon or Mars that form part of our imagination. This happens above all when we get to El Tablón, the huge, awe-inspiring stone esplanade on whose northern edge Roque Nublo rises up together with its loyal escort La Rana, the frog. You could quite easily imagine you are on the moon, if you wish to. But don’t forget to breathe in the pure mountain air, as you can do so up here. This is one little earthly advantage of being up on this moon-like landscape.

4. Can I truly believe what my eyes can see? Roque Nublo is surprising even when everything is exactly is what it seems: the majestic nature of the countryside, the beauty of the panoramic views, the footpath that winds it way through the pine tree forest and climbs its way up… But it is also surprising when things are not what they seem. The columns of stone occasionally have strange, fanciful forms which, depending on the angle, can deceive the eye. That is why the Roque Fraile (Friar’s Rock) has been given its name, an escarpment that we come to on the way up to the Nublo, which resembles a monk in a classical praying position. You can now rub your eyes in glee and carry on your walk. Another mystery has been solved.

5. Where should I look now? Good question. On reaching the summit and the base of the Roque Nublo, we are treated to one of the most spectacular views in Gran Canaria, the reason for which many consider this spot to be the finest viewpoint on the island. Our visual compass continues to scan all around. Perhaps it would be advisable to breathe in deeply and enjoy the feeling of time stopping which envelops us up here on high. You will see the Atlantic, plus ravines, pine trees, reservoirs, and perhaps in between all this, the flight of a falcon. There is also farmland, villages with whitewashed buildings dotted about on the steep hillsides and plateaus. There are people walking along pathways of hope. You now will see, and understand, that there were more than enough reasons to go up to the Nublo and unveil its secrets.
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