The Spring Museum opens its doors
The eternal Spring in Gran Canaria is accentuated at this time of the year with an eclosion of new life.
The calendar announces that it is now Springtime, leaving behind Winter. Gran Canaria listens and just smiles, as Spring is just another full time resident on the island. The finely striped black bee is never short of a flower to suck on nor short of reasons to take to the skies and buzz along happily.
In Gran Canaria Spring is an accent, a few verses underlined in its country notebook and an open invitation to stop and marvel at the highly colourful eclosion that comes along long before anywhere else in Europe. So there is a way to bring forward the calendar and welcome in the Spring season early: just come to Gran Canaria.
This peculiar type of Spring which has very little letup is now displaying a special beauty. The generous natural surroundings of the island pick up a brush and start painting landscapes full of flowers blooming, leaves that are multiplying, and birds that are diving in and out of the lush vegetation, making preparations for their nests, where their newly borns will shortly be making their appearance at the eternal Spring in Gran Canaria, the island where there are over a hundred plants that are unique species to these plains, cliffs and hillsides.
The calendar insists we are in Springtime. The ancient inhabitants on the island knew when Spring was coming by interpretting the stars. Today, dozens of people come along to the so called King’s Tomb to witness how the first rays of sunlight of the Spring equinox shine directly on this pre-Hispanic settlement up on high at Risco de Amurga.
Painter Néstor de la Torre left his work Poem of the Land incomplete, which included an oil painting depicting the Spring. However, the natural surroundings of Gran Canaria that the artist was trying to pay tribute to has conspired to conclude this fine work day after day and year after year, Spring after Spring even. It is enough then to just delve into the island to appreciate the extraordinary beauty of his work. The Spring Museum has just opened its doors, please come in and look around.
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