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Blog Oficial de Turismo de Gran Canaria

Celebrations of the Fiesta of La Rama, in Agaete, Gran Canaria

La Rama, Gran Canaria’s great dance party

The fiesta of La Rama de Agaete, in Gran Canaria, provides great fun thanks to an age-old tradition here at this stunning corner of the island.

Just listen. That’s the sound of silence and hushed emotions. Just minutes before five o’clock in the morning, the silvery light of the growing moon is etched over the sea, blending in with the night time shadows that reign over the plunging cliff edges, and –further up- in the pine groves. Down at the village of Agaete, the expectant and murmuring crowds are just waiting for something to happen. What might it be? The answer is La Diana, a firework that rips through the early morning calm at 05.00  to announce the start of the great fiesta day of La Rama de Agaete, in Gran Canaria, as it does every 4th August.

The Church of Santiago Apóstol in Gáldar

The mystery of the Pila Verde Baptismal Font of Gran Canaria

La Pila Verde baptismal font at the Church of Santiago in Gáldar, in Gran Canaria, contains five centuries of stories.

Five centuries of history are squeezed into the Pila Verde baptismal font at the Temple of Santiago de los Caballeros de Gáldar. This piece of pottery was heated in one of the pottery ovens that proliferated all through the 15th century in the Triana neighbourhood in Seville. But it wasn’t done by any old craftsman. Its large size would have us believe it was the work of a true master, one of only a few who could put together objects of such great proportions without running the risk of cracking and therefore fracturing the piece.

Custo Dalmau in Gran Canaria

The light of Custo shines in Gran Canaria

“The landscape here is truly inspirational”, so says the creative soul of Custo Barcelona in his appearance at Gran Canaria Moda Cálida.

Custo Dalmau is a designer who looks like he comes from the future. Or from another planet. So it is no wonder then that his latest collection carries the name of ‘Light years’. The creator behind the Custo Barcelona brand alighted on the island with his galactic space ship and shone like the stars themselves in this year’s 2017 Gran Canaria Moda Cálida.

Los Charcones (natural swimming pools), Arucas, Gran Canaria

Los Charcones: words spoken by the sea

The area of Bañaderos, at the north of Gran Canaria, is world a away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

“Look at that, they’re happy enough now!”. The boy is talking about the fish feeding on bread crumbs that he has just thrown into the water for them, and which have disappeared in a matter of seconds. The only thing left now under this transparent marine canvass is a group of cabosos, lisas and other expectant little fish. But the lad has already gone back to his parents, who have forgot all about the time at this huge solarium, measuring over two thousand square metres that stretches out to the edge of the natural pools at Bañaderos, in Arucas, along the stunning north coast of Gran Canaria.


Gran Canaria, the summer treasure chest

The pleasant Gran Canaria summer is an invitation to enjoy life to the full with endless days in which to do anything you like.

The sun towers high over the summer skies in Gran Canaria and will not budge an inch. If you think about it, you can see why. Under its blazing glory, the days run happily on for ever. In this the summer season the days have a ritual-like feel to them, reflecting a serene beauty under an ever present bright light.