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Blog Oficial de Turismo de Gran Canaria

Image of Cirque du Soleil BAZZAR show. Photo: Cirque du Soleil

The most creative and moving Cirque du Soleil show comes to Gran Canaria

The BAZZAR show is inspired by the origins and legacy of Cirque du Soleil and opens in October 2024 in Gran Canaria.

A merry and colourful troupe of acrobats, dancers and musicians come together on this occasion to create a unique universe where fantasy runs wild. A place where the unexpected is possible; a troupe of artists who imagine, build and rebuild marvellous scenes in an artistic and acrobatic game. All this can be summed up in just one word, BAZZAR.

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La Fortaleza, Santa Lucía

Gran Canaria, the silence of the Gran Canaria mother stone

The rock listened to a murmur of people. Their faces gave away a blur of hopes, fears, courage and uncertainty. It welcomed people into its rocky arms and protected them as best it could, for millennia, like a mother would. This was how the ancient population of Gran Canaria found shelter in amazing spots such as La Fortaleza and managed to develop a unique culture in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Gloria Palace San Agustín Thalasso Cetre - Pool In Shape

The Sea Palace in Gran Canaria

The thalassotherapy centre at the Gloria Palace San Agustín Thalasso & Hotel is the largest and one of the most cutting-edge in Europe. This pioneering facility in the Canary Islands is reopening after a full refurbishment.

A trail of dreamy white foam rolls inland along the coast. This marks the Atlantic Ocean’s salty footprint as it returns to its secret sanctuary in the south of Gran Canaria. This marine spirit is captured on the mural welcoming you to the Gloria Palace San Agustín Thalasso & Hotel thalassotherapy centre. Its painter, Félix Juan Bordes, called his work ‘Second Encounter on the Shores of Saint Brendan’s Island’, evoking the mythical, phantom island from Canary legends.

Maspalomas Lighthouse

The Maspalomas Lighthouse Tourist Office shines a light for travellers

The Tourist Information Office, recently opened in the Maspalomas Lighthouse, uses this emblematic spot to provide all the information you need to enjoy Gran Canaria to the full.

The Maspalomas Lighthouse has been lighting the way for travellers since 1890. The recent opening of the Tourist Information Office in this emblematic tower, declared a Site of Cultural Interest, only goes to emphasise that it is a reference point for making enquiries or getting to know the south of Gran Canaria and the Island as a whole.

La Cícer, Las Canteras, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Walking on the sky in Las Canteras

There is a place where you can walk on the earth, sky and sea all at the same time. This happens in Las Canteras, particularly at its wildest end, La Cicer, which owes its name to a former electrical power station. Nowadays, the energy is generated purely by the people who come to this spot where the waves round off their trip to Gran Canaria and become a vast mirror.

Canary island sage on the summit of Gran Canaria

Gran Canaria is dressed in purple

The Canary Island sage flowers carpet broad swathes of the summit such as Montañón Negro and other areas of the island.

Chameleon-like Gran Canaria is constantly changing colour. Canary Island sage flowers dress ravines and hillsides in a glorious purple. This stunning, long robe begins 1,800 metres above sea level and trails practically down to the coast. Its bright colour stands out against the black background of the volcanic ash on the foothills of Montañón Negro, one of the most recent volcanoes on the island.

Maspalomas Lighthouse

The Ethnographic Centre at Maspalomas Lighthouse, how an island is made

The exhibition rooms propose a route around Gran Canaria’s traditional crafts featuring more than a thousand objects and reflecting the island’s social transformations.

Before light, there was stone. Oxen and camels were used to bring basalt blocks down to the coast from the Fataga ravine so that master craftsmen could turn them into the building blocks for the Maspalomas Lighthouse, demonstrating the type of technical perfection that still astounds us today. Their hands crafted the idea captured on paper by the engineer Juan de León y Castillo. On 1st February 1890, the lighthouse projected its first beam that would have been impossible without the knowledge and hard graft of workmen who knew how to transform those million-year-old rocks into pure progress.


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@Leopoldo: Gracias por vuestra publicacion me he enterado de las piscinas naturales en gran canaria FELICIDADES AMIGOS[+]
@jorge: Parece que lo hemos vivido todo, pero llegará el día que partamos sin llegar a ver y contemplar todos los rincones maravillosos de la isla...[+]

Amigos de Gran Canaria