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Blog Oficial de Turismo de Gran Canaria

Image of Cirque du Soleil BAZZAR show. Photo: Cirque du Soleil

The most creative and moving Cirque du Soleil show comes to Gran Canaria

The BAZZAR show is inspired by the origins and legacy of Cirque du Soleil and opens in October 2024 in Gran Canaria.

A merry and colourful troupe of acrobats, dancers and musicians come together on this occasion to create a unique universe where fantasy runs wild. A place where the unexpected is possible; a troupe of artists who imagine, build and rebuild marvellous scenes in an artistic and acrobatic game. All this can be summed up in just one word, BAZZAR.

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Salinas de Tenefé

The white treasure that came in from the sea

The beauty of the salt fields of Gran Canaria is the product of the ocean, sun and human tenacity.

A golden white treasure is hidden away along the coastline around Gran Canaria at the hazy border between land and sea, although in this case its presence is not down to any invading pirates. Its origin is owed to the permanent interaction between the two elements that form part of the island’s pure essence: the ocean and the sun. Man’s efforts have gone into illuminating the glittering piles of sea salt at several salt fields along the island’s coast, some of them with several centuries of history behind them.

La Garita beach

La Garita beach, moon-like and earth-like

The urban and the wild fuse together naturally at La Garita beach in Gran Canaria, and in its surrounding environment.

The stunning shorelines around Gran Canaria reveal themselves in different guises. Sometimes they can be decked out in a black suit, as is the case of the cosy little volcanic beach at Garita, on the Telde coastline, close to both Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and to the south of the island. A burning volcanic spirit, which led to the formation of this Atlantic territory, is clearly apparent around here. La Garita is another of the gifts of nature that this spectacular geological formation provided for the future.

"Patio de los Naranjos"

The Sacred Art Museum in Gran Canaria

The Sacred Art Museum, in Gran Canaria, exhibits large artistic treasures right in the heart of the historic district of Vegueta.

There exists a place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria where the sweet aroma of figs are mixed with the scent of citric fruits. Set between the walls of the Cathedral of Santa Ana and calle Espíritu Santo, facing south, is the aromatic Patio de los Naranjos, which dates from the 17th century and topped off by a splendid Canary balcony. The rooms surrounding the courtyard are former cathedral side buildings, and today house the Diocesan Sacred Art Museum, a celestial reflection in the heart of the historical neighbourhood of Vegueta.

Roque Nublo

The five enigmas of Roque Nublo

The Roque Nublo, one of Gran Canarias’most stunning natural symbols, sits upon the summit waiting for you to unveil its mysteries.

1. What are the stones made of? This first mystery echoes around from stone to stone and from rock to rock. What are the stones from the summit of Gran Canaria made of? Moreover, what is the Roque Nublo, the great emblem of the island, made of? The answer can be found in fire and in time. This spectacular monolith, measuring some eighty metres high, and at over eight hundred metres altitude, is the stony witness to the volcanic explosion that occurred several million years ago. The most patient rock sculptor that exists, namely time, has since shaped the ashes and the rest of the pyroclastic rocks into the figure of the Roque Nublo that stands before us today.


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@Leopoldo: Gracias por vuestra publicacion me he enterado de las piscinas naturales en gran canaria FELICIDADES AMIGOS[+]
@jorge: Parece que lo hemos vivido todo, pero llegará el día que partamos sin llegar a ver y contemplar todos los rincones maravillosos de la isla...[+]

Amigos de Gran Canaria