Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria

Observing Nature: Flor de mayo leñosa

Flor de mayo leñosa

Scientific name: ‘Pericallis hadrosoma’                           

Common name: Flor de mayo leñosa

Family: ‘Asteraceae’

Genus: ‘Pericallis’

Endemic to: Tenteniguada  Hoya del Gamonal, Gran Canaria

Description: Plant species considered in danger of extinction in the National Catalogue of Species under Threat, and in need of a recovery plan. It is a woody plant that can grow to over two metres tall with purple flowers. It is an exclusively endemic species to Gran Canaria and grows between 1,200 and 1,400 metres above sea level in the inaccessible zones of Tenteniguada and Hoya del Gamonal, these humid areas belong to the Special Nature Reserve of Los Marteles and the Las Cumbres Protected Area. Its inaccessibility is its main defence.  It flowers in the months of June and July, and the fruit appears in July and August. It reproduces from shoots as the seeds contain a parasitic fly larva, (‘Oedosphenella canariensis’) endemic to the Canaries.