Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria

Espacio Natural



Type of Natural Resource: Paisajes Protegidos

Location: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Santa Brígida, Telde



This area is of great scenic value as it contains unique elements such as alignments of volcanic cones. Of these the central Bandama peak structure is notable due to its unusual features. The Jinámar volcanic stack which is one of the deepest in the archipelago, is also of interest. Of the existing vegetation the following endemic species are worthy of note: palm trees, dragon trees, and marmulanos (Sideroxylon marmulano). These are the main features of the vegetative landscape in certain areas. In other areas where houses and traditional cultivated areas alternate, the rural landscape is considered of cultural interest.
Location: Telde, Santa Brígida and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Surface area: 1413.6 hectares.

See Map