Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria
Today's Weather

Today's weather

Weather forecast for beaches and municipalities

With average annual temperatures ranging from 18 to 25 degrees centigrade, Gran Canaria maintains a mild and benign climate practically all year round. The island’s great weather is a product of its fresh and humid tradewinds coming in from the anticyclone from the Azores. These tradewinds, along with the mountainous layout of the island, provide the coastal areas with one of the best climates not only in the Canary Islands, but also in the whole of Europe.

More about the climate in Gran Canaria

Maspalomas ( San Bartolomé de Tirajana )

Municipality: San Bartolomé de Tirajana 
Latitude27° 44' 16'' N - Longitude15° 34' 59'' O -  PositionSee location
Elaboration: Monday, 24 March 2025
  Monday 24Tuesday 25Wednesday 26Thursday 27
Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon
Sky conditions Clear sky Cloudy Clear sky Cloudy Clear sky Clear sky Clear sky
Wind  moderate  moderate  soft  moderate  soft  soft  soft
Swell  soft  soft  soft  soft  soft  soft  soft
Maximum Temperature (°C)
Windchill factor  soft  soft  soft  soft
Water Temperature (°C)  20  20  20  20
Maximum UV Rate   8   9   9   9
  Monday 24
Sky conditions Clear sky
Wind  moderate
Swell  soft
Maximum Temperature (°C)
Windchill factor  soft
Water Temperature (°C)  20
Maximum UV Rate   8
  Tuesday 25
Morning Afternoon
Sky conditions Cloudy Clear sky
Wind  moderate  soft
Swell  soft  soft
Maximum Temperature (°C)
Windchill factor  soft
Water Temperature (°C)  20
Maximum UV Rate   9
  Wednesday 26
Morning Afternoon
Sky conditions Cloudy Clear sky
Wind  moderate  soft
Swell  soft  soft
Maximum Temperature (°C)
Windchill factor  soft
Water Temperature (°C)  20
Maximum UV Rate   9
  Thursday 27
Morning Afternoon
Sky conditions Clear sky Clear sky
Wind  soft  soft
Swell  soft  soft
Maximum Temperature (°C)
Windchill factor  soft
Water Temperature (°C)  20
Maximum UV Rate   9
Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday 26 Thursday 27
Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday 26 Thursday 27
High Tide  9:46  21:59  10:44  22:51  11:26  23:34  --.--  12:05
Low Tide  3:25  15:44  4:29  16:40  5:14  17:24  5:52  18:02
*Source: Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina, Ministerio de Defensa