Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria


The time we give ourselves for happiness

With your permission, we join you in your “gulp-I’m-going-to-have-a-heart-attack-with-these-honeymoon-preparations” moment. In this decisive moment my friends, we just want to let you know we have an ocean of beaches waiting for you just around the corner.

Couple next to the sea in Gran Canaria
Couple next to the sea in Gran Canaria

Around the corner, you will come to a long, long, long collection of beaches that fill out our fine weather island, a little miniature continent. It is an island which fits the traveller like a glove, just right for a trip not like any other trip. 

Because we say so, we are absolutely convinced. No doubts, doubly so, triply so.

So you can have your magical special trip on a nearby island, under a gentle sun, and you needn’t travel via the world’s far flung airports to get here on time!!!