Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria

Recipes from an Islandmix. Chef Alexis Álvarez. Gran Canaria.

This is how 'Leg of goat in salmorejo sauce, red onion and potato purée', by Alexis Álvarez, is made

a) Ingredients (for 4 people)

Goat’s leg: 2 suckling goat’s legs
Salmorejo: goat’s bones and remains, 300 ml. white wine, 50 ml. white wine vinegar, 1gr. thyme, 1 gr. oregano, ½ chilli pepper, 4 gr. sweet paprika, 20 cloves of garlic, 2 l. water 
Potato purée: 500 gr. potatoes, 50 gr. cream, 50 gr. butter, salt and white pepper.
Courgette purée: 250 gr. courgettes, 2 handfuls of spinach
8 deboned olives
1 large red onion


Leg of goat: debone the goat’s legs, add salt and pepper and vacuum cook until the heart of the product reaches 60 degrees. Cool off in frozen water and store in a vacuum.

Salmorejo sauce: put all the ingredients in together to cook for around 3 hours. Then strain, reduce and thicken the sauce with cornflour.

Red onions: peel, cut into petal shapes and cook in salted water. Cool off in frozen salty water and store..

Potato Purée: peel and chop up the potatoes, and cook them in a vacuum bag until tender. Chop up into small slices and add butter, cream, salt and white pepper.

Courgette Purée: slice up the courgettes and boil, then cool off in frozen water. Strain them and chop them into tiny pieces with the cooled boiled spinach until a green courgette purée is achieved.

Olives: deboned and cut into halves.

Leg of goat in salmorejo sauce with red onion and potato purée


Regenerate the goat’s legs at a steady heat and place them in a pan. Each leg is then cut into two pieces, and each piece is covered with salmorejo sauce. Put a little sauce at the bottom of the dish and place hot red onions around, along with the potato purée and a few drops of courgette purée. Finish decorating the dish with the half olives and some rosemary flowers.

Download recipe [PDF - 356 KB]


Alexis Álvarez explains how his recipe came about:

"My culinary style is both Canarian regional cuisine and cutting edge Spanish cuisine, where we treat the basic ingredients with the utmost care, as they are the core of our dishes.

This recipe with its salmorejo marinade is a traditional dish which I really love. In this case we adapt it to a slow cooked leg of goat, where tradition and cutting edge go hand in hand in the kitchens at my restaurant."

Leg of goat in salmorejo sauce with red onion and potato purée
Leg of goat in salmorejo sauce with red onion and potato purée

Who is Alexis Álvarez?

Alexis Álvarez is a Gran Canarian cook who hails from the municipality of Ingenio.

Since 2014, Alexis has been running the kitchens at Los Guayres Restaurant, an establishment located at the Hotel Cordial Mogán Playa, in Puerto de Mogán.

He is fully trained, and his career has seen him work with great master chefs in Madrid, San Sebastián and Girona, forging his professional path alongside leading cooks including Subijana, Adrià and Arzak before coming back to his homeland.

Alexis’ culinary style incorporates an exquisite touch with his basic ingredients, which he has forged through his many years of training, together with the maximum use of locally sourced products from Gran Canaria, that lead to such creative dishes. El chef Alexis Álvarez has made his restaurant 'Los Guayres' into one of the leading eateries for lovers of fine food visiting the island.

Our 4th ‘Dish-enhancing’ secret ingredient

In the Canaries it is possible to find a huge range of top quality potatoes. Nearly all of these are age old varieties, harking back to the times centuries ago when they were first introduced into Europe, when boats would stop off at the islands for acclimatization purposes.

Up in the hills of Gran Canaria some of the wide range of traditional potatoes are still farmed today, at its traditional farming regions. Read more in the digital magazine Pellagofio Digital Magazine

The making of 'Islandmix' also features the collaboration of Gran Canarian potter Gustavo García Cruz.
You can learn all about his work on this fanpage plus his INusuall brand and his comtemporary pottery pieces.

Further information about local craftsmen and women can be found on the FEDAC official website.