Gran Canaria
Gran Canaria

Recipes from an Islandmix. Master pastry maker Juan Carlos Moraes. Gran Canaria.

This is how 'Elegance Fres-Cor', a dessert by Juan Carlos Moraes da Souza, is made


100 grs light flour
60 grs butter
38 grs icing sugar
12 grs almond flour
22 grs eggs
1 gr salt
1 gr vanilla essence

Place the soft butter into a large mixing bowl; add the sugar and mix in well, until it is properly blended in and the butter has a creamy texture. Next add the eggs, and mix well until everything is blended in.
Add the flour and almond flour, the salt and vanilla essence. Leave the dough to stand in the fridge for 5 minutes, to be able to stretch it out.
Stretch out the dough to a thickness of 2.8 mm. Cut to the desired size and put in cold storage to set. Then place in the oven at 160º C, for 12 minutes.
Once the biscuits have been baked, pour chocolate of strawberry sauce on them.

Elegance Fres-Cor

Champagne-drenched strawberries
Strawberries cut into quarter pieces en brunoise.
Place into vacuum packed bag together with some champaign.
Vacuum pack, then use 10-20 minutes later.

Basil and Champaing gel
A handful of basil
40 ml Champaign
5 grs. cold  gel cream

Blanch the basil, then add the Champaign and the gel cream, put in the blender and then strain. Place in a bottle with a nozzle.

Strawberry sauce
250 g large strawberries
80 g white sugar
3 spoons of lemon juice

Wash the strawberries and cut into slices.
Cook in a pot with the sugar on medium heat for 10 minutes. You don’t need to squash or stir them, they will dissolve in the heat on their own.
Squeeze the lemon and add 3 spoonfuls of juice to the strawberries. When cooked, take off the heat and wait for them to cool a little. Blend the mix and strain. Put in a bottle with a nozzle.

Elegance Fres-Cor
Juan Carlos Moraes da Souza

Strawberry flavoured chocolate mousse inspiration
105 grs. milk
32 grs. jelly paste
20 grs. strawberry paste
220 grs. strawberry flavoured chocolate
220 grs. half-whipped cream
Half-whip the cream, and store.
Heat up the milk, add the jelly paste until it dilutes.
Add the strawberry chocolate with the strawberries and add the previous mix. Blend into a pulp. Cool to a temperature of 36ºC and add the half-whipped cream all around.
Put into a pastry bag.
White chocolate with aroma of lime mousse
125 grs. milk
36 grs. jelly masa
237 grs. white chcolate
Lime aroma concentrated drops
1 lime zest
250 grs half-whipped cream

Heat up the milk and add the jelly  masa until it is completely dissolved.
Place the white chocolate into a bowl with the concentrated lime aroma drops, adding the hot milk. Blend in well to form a paste. Let the mixture cool to 36ºC before adding the half-whipped cream and the lime zest all around.
Place into a pastry bag with the nozzle of your choice.

Download recipe [PDF - 366 KB]


Juan Carlos Moraes da Souza explains his recipe:

"My inspiration for this dish first came about because of my interest in promoting strawberry cultivation in Valsequillo, a crop producing elegant, passionate red fruits; and secondly for the summer-like climate we enjoy all through the year; I was looking for freshness, flavour, colour and joy in this dish…My main objective is to make clients happy, and for them to enjoy the work I put in to my recipes."

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Who is Juan Carlos Moraes da Souza?

Juan Carlos Moraes de Souza är en brasiliansk konditor baserad på Gran Canaria, med 14 års yrkeserfarenhet i Spanien. Utbildad i Kök och gastronomi på Hotel Escuela Santa Brígida, på Gran Canaria, genomförde han en karriärpraktik i Palma de Mallorca, där han började en treårig yrkesperiod i cateringvärlden.

2015, med tanke på sitt stora intresse för konditorivaror, skrev Juan Carlos in sig till Máster en Pastelería de Restaurante y Cocina Dulce del Basque Culinary Center, i San Sebastián, i syfte att utöka sin kunskap och specialisera sig på haute konditorivaror.

Efter avslutade studier började Juan Carlos sin professionella karriär som konditor, med en första etapp på restaurangen Bubó de Carles Mampel och Oriol Balaguer i Barcelona. Han återvänder sedan till Gran Canaria, där han arbetar i olika bagerier.

När han återvände till ön deltog han i konditoritävlingen av GastroCanarias, där han blev vinnare av III Campeonato de Canarias Absoluto de Pastelería-Gran Premio Harinalia 2019 fick han tredje priset i VI Certamen Nacional de Gastronomía/Categoría Pastelería och 2020 blev han tvåa i Madrid Fusion, bland andra utmärkelser.

Kocken förklarar "Jag brinner för bakverk för subtiliteten när det kommer till att behandla och montera desserter, kreativiteten som krävs för att kombinera smaker, färger och texturer, och för den disciplin som krävs för att allt ska stämma".

Juan Carlos Moraes de Souza arbetar för närvarande för olika restauranger och bagerier på ön Gran Canaria, och erbjuder rådgivning, efter den behärskning han har fått i sitt yrke genom åren.

Our 25th 'dish-enhancing' secret ingredient

The region of Valsequillo is the star-studded capital of the strawberry in the Canary Islands. The municipality organizes its ‘Strawberry Day' every year, attracting many sweet-tooth enthusiasts and pastry makers along to this sensational product. There are 10 plantations alone in Valsequillo dedicated to the painstaking process of strawberry production. The end product is small in size, and is high quality and has a great taste thanks to the climatic conditions here.

Further information at the Valsequillo Tourism website